Cassio 第9册 L'Impero Dei Ricordi 漫画 百度网盘下载

    用户头像 席城 2022-9-27 10:12 浏览量:1124 回复量:1

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在这个引人入胜的系列结局中,两位古埃及神灵的预言之子泰西奥从卢浮宫取回了母亲的尸体,并从蒙萨马特的修道院中夺走了第四个天篷罐,在他身后留下了血腥的尸体痕迹。 只有一个人有机会阻止他疯狂上台:他的同父异母兄弟卡西奥。 但由于泰西奥的毒药剥夺了他的永生能力,卡西奥需要很多帮助。 来自美丽的年轻考古学家 Ornella Grazzi; 来自他最近复活的母亲阿玛尔女神; 并且来自最不可能的来源:他的死敌,可怕的 Reptah。
In this riveting series finale, Tesio, the prophesied child of two ancient Egyptian deities, has recovered his mother's body from the Louvre and wrested the fourth canopic jar from the convent at Monsarmat, leaving a bloody trail of corpses in his wake. Only one man stands any chance of stopping his mad rise to power: his half-brother Cassio. But since Tesio's poison has stripped him of his immortality, Cassio's going to need a lot of help. From the beautiful young archeologist Ornella Grazzi; from his recently resurrected mother, the goddess Armahl; and from the unlikeliest of sources: his mortal enemy, the monstrous Reptah.

Cassio 第9册 L'Impero Dei Ricordi 漫画 百度网盘下载 Cassio 第9册 L'Impero Dei Ricordi 漫画 百度网盘下载 Cassio 第9册 L'Impero Dei Ricordi 漫画 百度网盘下载 Cassio 第9册 L'Impero Dei Ricordi 漫画 百度网盘下载 Cassio 第9册 L'Impero Dei Ricordi 漫画 百度网盘下载

1 回复
  • 楼主君,谢谢分享,太棒了!
    2023-1-12 05:00