ZBrush怪物视频教程 四足怪物雕刻教学 附源文件

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Digital-Tutors Creative Development Sculpting Alien Concepts in ZBrush
In this ZBrush tutorial, we will learn how to create a concept of a quadruped alien. Throughout these lessons we will design a fast base mesh using ZSpheres in ZBrush. We will then quickly sculpt out the basic forms of the creature and lightly detail it. We will then further our detailing in Photoshop using various paint over and texturing techniques, and finish by refining our creature using various photographs taken and collected by the Artist. In the end, we will have a realistic 3-quarter view of the concept.

ZBrush怪物视频教程 四足怪物雕刻教学 附源文件 ZBrush怪物视频教程 四足怪物雕刻教学 附源文件 ZBrush怪物视频教程 四足怪物雕刻教学 附源文件 ZBrush怪物视频教程 四足怪物雕刻教学 附源文件 ZBrush怪物视频教程 四足怪物雕刻教学 附源文件 ZBrush怪物视频教程 四足怪物雕刻教学 附源文件 ZBrush怪物视频教程 四足怪物雕刻教学 附源文件
2 回复
  • 艾璐恩,请赐予我金币……
    2019-7-3 22:23

  • 真是汗啊  我的帖子好少啊  加油
    2020-6-23 03:59
