His Name Was Ptirou Yves Sente 漫画下载

    用户头像 Vincy0914 2023-2-1 11:06 浏览量:1161 回复量:3

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圣诞节最棒的部分就是听保罗叔叔讲故事。今年,保罗叔叔为孩子们和我们带来了一个现实生活中的男孩的故事,他启发了心爱的斯皮鲁。时间是 1929 年。Ptirou 是一名马戏团杂技演员,在世界经济崩溃的同时,他眼睁睁地看着自己的世界分崩离析。 作为孤儿,Ptirou 只拥有他的技能、一瓶香水和一个继承的梦想,他前往纽约并开始新的冒险。 一方面是破坏者,另一方面是可爱的朱丽叶,加上他自己的恶作剧本领,Ptirou 在一艘远洋班轮离开港口之前就开始了冒险。
The best part of Christmas is getting to hear one of Uncle Paul's stories. This year, Uncle Paul treats the kids—and us—to the story of the real-life boy who inspired the beloved Spirou. It's 1929. Ptirou is a circus acrobat who, while the world's economy is crashing, sees his own world fall apart. Orphaned, and possessing only his skill, a bottle of perfume, and an inherited dream, Ptirou sets out for New York and new adventures. With saboteurs on one side, the lovely Juliette on the other, and his own knack for mischief, Ptirou finds adventure aboard an ocean liner before it's even left port.

His Name Was Ptirou Yves Sente 漫画下载 His Name Was Ptirou Yves Sente 漫画下载 His Name Was Ptirou Yves Sente 漫画下载 His Name Was Ptirou Yves Sente 漫画下载 His Name Was Ptirou Yves Sente 漫画下载

3 回复
  • 谢谢分享
    2023-2-1 11:54

  • 楼主君,谢谢分享,太棒了!
    2023-2-1 23:29

  • 艾璐恩,请赐予我金币……
    2023-5-26 02:56