TZee An African Tragedy 2022 漫画 百度网盘下载

    用户头像 席城 2022-10-9 10:12 浏览量:1597 回复量:3

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T 'Zee死了……还是他?对于这个虚构的刚果附近非洲国家的腐败领导人来说,这可能是末日。他的将军们已经抛弃了他。他在同胞的背上建造的宫殿被遗弃或摧毁。他的花瓶妻子暗恋着一个和她同龄的男人,危险地接近了T'Zee的轨道。但这只老豹还没有说完最后的话。他的爪子消失了,但他的头脑仍然很狡猾。没有什么比一只受伤的野兽闻到血腥味更可怕的了……作者阿波罗出生在突尼斯,成长于Réunion,在他的漫画作家生涯中,殖民历史是他的专长。在这里,通过Brüno上一眼就能认出的艺术,他用合唱的方式描绘了独裁的衰落,充满了神秘主义和多重视角。
T'Zee is dead... or is he? For this corrupt leader of a fictional African country near the Congo, it may be the end. His generals have abandoned him. The palaces he built on the backs of his countrymen are deserted or destroyed. His trophy wife harbors a secret passion for a man her own age, dangerously close to T'Zee's orbit. But the old leopard has not had his last word. His claws are gone, but his mind is still cunning. And nothing is more fearsome than a wounded wild animal that smells blood... Born in Tunisia and raised on Réunion, author Appollo has made colonial history his specialty in his career as a comics writer. Here, with Brüno's instantly recognizable art, he delivers a choral portrait of dictatorial decline, suffused with mysticism and multiple perspectives.

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3 回复
  • 的实际按立即按了甲方
    2022-10-11 08:21

  • 甚好,甚强大!
    2022-10-21 10:52

  • 艾璐恩,请赐予我金币……
    2023-5-10 18:33