Unity几何地形生成 制作实例教学视频教程

    用户头像 假发子 2019-12-5 13:04 浏览量:899 回复量:6

  • 游戏引擎 教学内容
  • Photoshop 涉及软件
  • 视频教程 包含内容
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You should have and know how to use Unity 5, 2017 or 2018 (the free version is fine).
You should be able to to program in C#.
Learn how to procedurally generate meshes in Unity 5, 2017 and 2018. You’ll start with simple shapes and work your way up to complex, fractal landscapes. This is a code-along style course where you’ll learn how program meshes at each stage.
Learn, Understand and Master Procedural Generation with this Intermediate Unity Course.
Learn about the different properties of a mesh.
Create two and three dimensional shapes.
Calculate UVs, normals, tangents and vertex colours.
Understand how to use Perlin and fractal noise to generate 2D terrain and 3D landscapes.
Learn how to program large and infinite landscapes for you game.
A powerful tool for making games.
In this course, you will learn to procedurally generate meshes from geometric objects to worlds with randomly generated terrain. Many popular games use some form of procedural generation, from Minecraft to Dwarf Fortress. Mesh generation is just one aspect of procedural generation which encompasses topics such as texture generation, object placement, and even story generation.
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to generate unique and impressive landscapes from code ready to use in your games. Source code is included to help you on your way.
I designed this course to be easily understood by intermediate level coders and users of Unity with no previous experience of mesh generation.
I present examples of increasing difficulty designed to help you to understand exactly how mesh generation is done, and guide you through the theory behind it so that you can be confident in creating your own meshes.
For extra support, you can ask questions in the Q&A section, and I’ve provided the completed code examples for download in each Section. You’ll receive a certificate of completion once you finish the course.
Who this course is for:
Intermediate level Unity developers who want to learn procedural mesh generation.
This course is not for people new to Unity or C#.

Unity几何地形生成 制作实例教学视频教程 Unity几何地形生成 制作实例教学视频教程 Unity几何地形生成 制作实例教学视频教程 Unity几何地形生成 制作实例教学视频教程 Unity几何地形生成 制作实例教学视频教程 Unity几何地形生成 制作实例教学视频教程 Unity几何地形生成 制作实例教学视频教程
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