A City Through Time 穿梭时间的城市 欧洲城市古今参考图

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Follow the story of a city from ancient colony to vast modern metropolis with A City Through Time. In this stunning update of the popular original, let the full-colour illustrations transport you back to another age, as the award-winning Steve Noon brings the past to life in style.

Panoramic scenes in the unique cutaway style are packed with colourful pictures showing everyday life in the city across the centuries, and pop-up descriptions make sure the details aren't lost as you meet the characters who live and work there. Plus each scene has a page devoted to key features, so you can get up close to a Roman bath-house, a medieval castle or a modern skyscraper.

Featuring a photographic section that profiles great cities through history and a glossary that tells you what you need to know about architecture, technology, work and costumes throughout the ages. Revised and updated for a new generation, Steve Noon's A City Through Time is perfect for parents and children to look at together or for school projects. The more you look, the more you'll see.


A City Through Time 穿梭时间的城市 欧洲城市古今参考图 A City Through Time 穿梭时间的城市 欧洲城市古今参考图 A City Through Time 穿梭时间的城市 欧洲城市古今参考图 A City Through Time 穿梭时间的城市 欧洲城市古今参考图 A City Through Time 穿梭时间的城市 欧洲城市古今参考图
134 回复
  • 甚好,甚强大!
    2018-3-17 20:16

  • 哎呦~看起来不错哦~前排支持下,谢谢分享~
    2018-3-20 15:58

  • 帮你顶下哈!!不用特别的感谢我。
    2018-3-20 19:47

  • 我是来刷活跃度的,嘿嘿
    2018-3-20 22:08

  • 不错,支持下楼主
    2018-3-20 22:29

  • 是在下败了,原来世界上竟有如此有才之人。
    2018-3-21 06:35

  • 哼,不错嘛,简直就是不移之火的中流砥柱~
    2018-3-21 06:56

  • 没看完~~~~~~ 先顶,好同志
    2018-3-21 08:06

  • 学习了,谢谢分享、、、
    2018-3-21 08:56