Candace Wheeler The Art and Enterprise of American Design

  • 294张具体页数
  • 52.2MB文件大小
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Candace Wheeler emerged as the leading American textile designer of the late nineteenth century by educating herself to match and then surpass the accomplishments of advanced European designers. Moving from embroidery to the design of fabrics and interiors, she wrote influential books on decorating and was a driving force behind the professionalisation of women in the design field. This book contains a biographical essay and a catalogue of over 100 designs for textiles, wallpaper, and other interior furnishings by Wheeler and her associates.
Candace Wheeler The Art and Enterprise of American Design Candace Wheeler The Art and Enterprise of American Design Candace Wheeler The Art and Enterprise of American Design Candace Wheeler The Art and Enterprise of American Design Candace Wheeler The Art and Enterprise of American Design Candace Wheeler The Art and Enterprise of American Design Candace Wheeler The Art and Enterprise of American Design Candace Wheeler The Art and Enterprise of American Design
37 回复
  • 谢谢分享
    2018-3-23 05:18

  • 我是个凑数的。。。嗯……嗯哼~
    2018-3-31 10:21

  • 找到好贴不容易,我顶你了,谢了~
    2018-3-31 11:24

  • 有竞争才有进步嘛
    2018-3-31 12:18

  • 学习了,谢谢分享、、、
    2018-3-31 13:22

  • 我是来刷活跃度的,嘿嘿
    2018-3-31 13:42

  • 学习了,谢谢分享、、、
    2018-3-31 14:48

  • 是在下败了,原来世界上竟有如此有才之人。
    2018-3-31 17:18

  • 楼主君,如果可以,节操给你,资源给我!
    2018-4-21 15:18