ZBrush雕刻视频教程 面部细节雕刻技术教学 附源文件

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Digital-Tutors Sculpting Male and Female Faces in ZBrush
In this series of lessons we will be studying the little explored subject of male and female facial differences.
We will examine the main features that make each gender look the way it does and learn techniques and workflows in order to apply it to your own models. We will start by creating a male face, focusing on bone structure, and then transform it into a feminine face.
By the end of this training you should have no problem sculpting either men or women inside ZBrush.


ZBrush雕刻视频教程 面部细节雕刻技术教学 附源文件 ZBrush雕刻视频教程 面部细节雕刻技术教学 附源文件 ZBrush雕刻视频教程 面部细节雕刻技术教学 附源文件 ZBrush雕刻视频教程 面部细节雕刻技术教学 附源文件 ZBrush雕刻视频教程 面部细节雕刻技术教学 附源文件 ZBrush雕刻视频教程 面部细节雕刻技术教学 附源文件 ZBrush雕刻视频教程 面部细节雕刻技术教学 附源文件
4 回复
  • 楼上的稍等啦
    2020-6-23 04:24

  • 感谢分享
    2022-8-22 10:20

  • 你一顶,我一顶,楼主早晚上置顶,你不投,我不投,楼主何时能出头~
    2022-8-25 00:59
