ZBrush昆虫建模教程 超逼真虫类雕刻视频教学 附源文件

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Digital-Tutors Realistic Insect Sculpting Techniques in ZBrush
In this tutorial we will be sculpting a scorpion and wasp scene in ZBrush. We will learn how to sculpt these creatures from a ZSphere armature, then work our way to a detailed sculpt. We will then finish the tutorial with a final render of the two creatures in KeyShot.
Throughout these tutorials, you will become better acquainted with the tools in ZBrush that will aid you the most in developing a detailed insect sculpture for your own projects. By the end, you will be able to adapt these skills to create a wide range of your own creepy crawly creatures.

ZBrush昆虫建模教程 超逼真虫类雕刻视频教学 附源文件 ZBrush昆虫建模教程 超逼真虫类雕刻视频教学 附源文件 ZBrush昆虫建模教程 超逼真虫类雕刻视频教学 附源文件 ZBrush昆虫建模教程 超逼真虫类雕刻视频教学 附源文件 ZBrush昆虫建模教程 超逼真虫类雕刻视频教学 附源文件 ZBrush昆虫建模教程 超逼真虫类雕刻视频教学 附源文件 ZBrush昆虫建模教程 超逼真虫类雕刻视频教学 附源文件
2 回复
  • 66666666课程不错
    2021-3-31 09:18
