ZBrush怪物雕刻教程 女妖恶灵模型制作视频教学

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Digital-Tutors Designing a Scary Female Monster in ZBrush
In this ZBrush tutorial we will learn how to create a scary creature with ZBrush – starting from the basic blocked-in meshes and finishing with high-res details and textures.
Throughout these lessons we will learn the key features to design a memorable and terrifying female monster within ZBrush. We’ll start by using a concept painting that we’ll use as source of inspiration and then move to ZBrush. In ZBrush we’ll block out a basic mesh using the DynaMesh feature.
Eventually, we’ll start to add details and paint a very complex texture map. We’ll also learn how sometimes design ideas can change even when the design is almost ready. Get ready for some scary stuff!
ZBrush怪物雕刻教程 女妖恶灵模型制作视频教学 ZBrush怪物雕刻教程 女妖恶灵模型制作视频教学 ZBrush怪物雕刻教程 女妖恶灵模型制作视频教学 ZBrush怪物雕刻教程 女妖恶灵模型制作视频教学 ZBrush怪物雕刻教程 女妖恶灵模型制作视频教学

1 回复
  • 偶啥时才能熬出头啊.
    2020-6-23 05:45
