ZBrush 雕刻人物教程 逼真的皮肤视频教程 附源工程文件

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Digital-Tutors Sculpting Human Skin in ZBrush 4R4
When building human characters, the skin quality can play an important role in defining the character and adding to its realism. In this course we will go over several tools and techniques you can use to create the effect of skin on your characters. We will talk about using alphas to apply detail to the models. We will also look at the use of Noise in quick overall applications of default skin bump as well as custom patterns that can be created procedurally or by the artist. We will also talk about sculpting wrinkles in specific areas and adding irregularities to the skin to add character. In the end, you'll have a lot of options for adding skin detail at an appropriate level using a number of techniques.

ZBrush 雕刻人物教程 逼真的皮肤视频教程 附源工程文件 ZBrush 雕刻人物教程 逼真的皮肤视频教程 附源工程文件 ZBrush 雕刻人物教程 逼真的皮肤视频教程 附源工程文件 ZBrush 雕刻人物教程 逼真的皮肤视频教程 附源工程文件 ZBrush 雕刻人物教程 逼真的皮肤视频教程 附源工程文件 ZBrush 雕刻人物教程 逼真的皮肤视频教程 附源工程文件
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