Earthdivers 第4册 Stephen Graham Jones 漫画下载

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漫画内容简介[机翻]:在他迷人的预言成真后,泰德被奉为圣洁的使者,并受邀进入克里斯托弗·哥伦布的核心圈子,帮助指导前往“新大陆”的探险。 没有比与敌人近距离接触更好的打击时机了,但泰德在发现他们之间的共同点时努力行动起来。 2112 年,未来命运未卜。 Sosh和Yellow Kid的计划被一张熟悉得令人难以忘怀的面孔打断了,而当艾米丽的哨所遭到一群流血的流浪船员的袭击时,她威胁要将时间旅行洞穴武器化。
原文内容简介:After his mesmerizing prediction comes to pass, Tad is embraced as a holy messenger and invited into Christopher Columbus’ inner circle to help guide the expedition to the “New World.” There should be no better time to strike than in such close quarters with the enemy, but Tad struggles to act as he discovers the common ground between them. In 2112, the fate of the future hangs in the balance. Sosh and Yellow Kid’s plan is interrupted by a hauntingly familiar face, and Emily threatens to weaponize the time-travel cave when her post comes under attack by a roving crew out for blood.

Earthdivers 第4册 Stephen Graham Jones 漫画下载 Earthdivers 第4册 Stephen Graham Jones 漫画下载 Earthdivers 第4册 Stephen Graham Jones 漫画下载 Earthdivers 第4册 Stephen Graham Jones 漫画下载 Earthdivers 第4册 Stephen Graham Jones 漫画下载

1 回复
  • 你一顶,我一顶,楼主早晚上置顶,你不投,我不投,楼主何时能出头~
    2023-5-21 19:04