Space Job 第1册 [共4册] David A. Goodman 漫画下载

    用户头像 Vincy0914 2023-2-10 10:31 浏览量:1133 回复量:1

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丹尼·谢里丹(Danny Sheridan)在做了五年厨师助理的苦役之后,得到了他梦寐以求的工作,成为了“乔治·h·w·布什”号上的大副。但在第一天,他发现自己崩溃回到现实。一切似乎都不对劲,船员的水平不高…肯定发生了什么事,大副丹尼·谢里丹要么查个水落石出要么就死定了。
After five long years of soul-crushing servitude as a chef's assistant, Danny Sheridan is getting his dream job in space as First Officer aboard the SS George H.W. Bush. But on his first day he finds himself crashing back to reality. Nothing seems right, the crew is subpar . . . something's going on, and First Officer Danny Sheridan is going to get to the bottom of it or die trying.

Space Job 第1册 [共4册] David A. Goodman 漫画下载 Space Job 第1册 [共4册] David A. Goodman 漫画下载 Space Job 第1册 [共4册] David A. Goodman 漫画下载 Space Job 第1册 [共4册] David A. Goodman 漫画下载 Space Job 第1册 [共4册] David A. Goodman 漫画下载

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  • 艾璐恩,请赐予我金币……
    2023-5-27 21:47