C4D葡萄酒玻璃瓶建模教学 商业集模型制作渲染视频教程 附源文件

    用户头像 常见形态 2019-7-18 16:48 浏览量:1359 回复量:2

  • 3D软件 教学内容
  • 视频教程 包含内容
  • 百度网盘 获取方式
This 3.5 hour tutorial package includes everything you need to know to produce the final wine bottle image. Recorded with R19, these videos are fully compatible with with R16 to R19 using any version of C4D. We do assume a basic knowledge of Cinema 4D’s abilities such as navigation, creating basic materials and selecting objects, but it should be possible for anyone of almost any level to follow along.
In this training series we begin by showing you how to load in your reference artwork, then start working up the wine bottle using spline tools for a clean finish and good polygon count control. We then move onto creating the complex-looking screw top lid, you can get a rough idea of where we are going with this in the video above. Using an easy to grasp system of displacement layers, we don’t have to learn a mountain of unnecessary modelling tools and the scene remains easily editable for future iterations of the project.
Next you will be shown how to create realistic glass, liquid and label materials, including how to overlay metallic foils onto the paper backing and how to cut out irregularly shaped labels. Lastly we finish off with the bit that trips over most people; setting up the stage, lighting and render settings to produce a high resolution image faster than you can make a cup of tea.

C4D葡萄酒玻璃瓶建模教学 商业集模型制作渲染视频教程 附源文件 C4D葡萄酒玻璃瓶建模教学 商业集模型制作渲染视频教程 附源文件 C4D葡萄酒玻璃瓶建模教学 商业集模型制作渲染视频教程 附源文件 C4D葡萄酒玻璃瓶建模教学 商业集模型制作渲染视频教程 附源文件 C4D葡萄酒玻璃瓶建模教学 商业集模型制作渲染视频教程 附源文件 C4D葡萄酒玻璃瓶建模教学 商业集模型制作渲染视频教程 附源文件 C4D葡萄酒玻璃瓶建模教学 商业集模型制作渲染视频教程 附源文件
2 回复
  • 真是汗啊  我的帖子好少啊  加油
    2020-6-23 02:54

  • 看看吧看看呗看看吧
    2022-3-15 17:50