漫威大事件——秘密帝国:Secret Empire主线支线收集

    用户头像 渣渣子pan 2018-9-18 10:36 浏览量:6036 回复量:125

  • 漫画 资源类别
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  • 英语 使用语言
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Captain America, Sentinel of Liberty, is living a lie! The Cosmic Cube has remade the world’s greatest hero into a secret true believer in the cause of Hydra, wholly dedicated to its mission of progress through authority and unity through adversity! Now, using the trust and respect he’s been accorded by the great powers of the Marvel Universe, Steve Rogers makes Hydra’s ideals a reality – and changes the landscape of the world dramatically! How will he take some of his biggest threats off the board? Who will remain to stand against him? And which heroes will fight on his side? Find out as the impossible becomes real! Hail Hydra!

漫威大事件——秘密帝国:Secret Empire主线支线收集 漫威大事件——秘密帝国:Secret Empire主线支线收集 漫威大事件——秘密帝国:Secret Empire主线支线收集 漫威大事件——秘密帝国:Secret Empire主线支线收集 漫威大事件——秘密帝国:Secret Empire主线支线收集


参与人数 1金币 +10 理由 收起
grandfinale + 10 感谢分享~


124 回复
  • 你好,发布者,愿大地母亲护佑着你~
    2018-10-2 23:01

  • 好东西啊,太好了
    2018-10-12 10:24

  • 甚好,甚强大!
    2018-10-28 21:35

  • 喜欢的队长,喜欢的风格
    2018-11-2 09:12

  • 感谢楼主分享~
    2018-11-4 16:05

  • 这不正是我苦苦寻找的资源吗!
    2019-6-3 20:36

  • 链接还有吗
    2019-6-10 19:50

  • 甚好,甚强大!
    2019-6-11 10:11

  • 感谢楼主分享~
    2019-6-30 10:22