ZBrush角色雕刻制作视频教程 大师级野人雕刻教学

    用户头像 绿毛公主 2019-7-31 16:56 浏览量:1145 回复量:3

  • 3D软件 教学内容
  • 视频教程 包含内容
  • 百度网盘 获取方式
This Master Class will not focus on the creation of a particular character. I’ll be providing you with the techniques to
create, but you’re free to pick your favorite subject. I’ll be demonstrating the tools and explaining how they can be
used to help you to create your own artwork.
This is not an anatomy class. This is a walk through based on how I create things, where I’ll guide you every step of the
way, from the base model all the way to the final render. If you’re interested in learning anatomy, there are many
classes exploring this in depth. Still, I will provide you with reference books/links that might help you to improve your
anatomy skills.
You’re the biggest responsible for your own success. The more you produce artwork, the better you will get. Ask
questions, dedicate yourself, work hard and you will reach your goals.
You’re free and encouraged to create any character you wish, in any style you prefer, but in case you are looking for
ideas, here are a couple of suggestions. Pick one word from each color group, stick to the plan and more importantly:
have fun!

ZBrush角色雕刻制作视频教程 大师级野人雕刻教学 ZBrush角色雕刻制作视频教程 大师级野人雕刻教学 ZBrush角色雕刻制作视频教程 大师级野人雕刻教学 ZBrush角色雕刻制作视频教程 大师级野人雕刻教学 ZBrush角色雕刻制作视频教程 大师级野人雕刻教学 ZBrush角色雕刻制作视频教程 大师级野人雕刻教学 ZBrush角色雕刻制作视频教程 大师级野人雕刻教学
3 回复
  • 谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢
    2021-3-4 04:53

  • 哦?how much is it ?
    2021-3-5 08:35
