C4D模型材质变化技术视频教程 室内场景实例教学 附源文件

    用户头像 绿毛公主 2019-8-2 15:27 浏览量:1163 回复量:1

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  • 视频教程 包含内容
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When creating 3d projects, you’ll often want to try out any number of settings or materials before you settle on a final result.
You may want to see what your model looks like with a different style of accessory, or with a different color of label. Instead of saving out different file variations or duplicating materials, you can set up different takes for each variation and view each one very quickly from a single scene file. In this course, you’ll learn to use the new Takes system in CINEMA 4D to add this kind of flexibility to your workflow. Software required: CINEMA 4D R17.

C4D模型材质变化技术视频教程 室内场景实例教学 附源文件 C4D模型材质变化技术视频教程 室内场景实例教学 附源文件 C4D模型材质变化技术视频教程 室内场景实例教学 附源文件 C4D模型材质变化技术视频教程 室内场景实例教学 附源文件 C4D模型材质变化技术视频教程 室内场景实例教学 附源文件 C4D模型材质变化技术视频教程 室内场景实例教学 附源文件 C4D模型材质变化技术视频教程 室内场景实例教学 附源文件
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