Maya3D打印技术视频教程 小机器人建模3D打印教学 附源文件

    用户头像 绿毛公主 2019-7-29 11:04 浏览量:980 回复量:1

  • 3D软件 教学内容
  • 视频教程 包含内容
  • 百度网盘 获取方式
In this course, we are going to model and prepare a fully articulated polygonal character that can be 3D printed using sites like Some of the key takeaways from watching this course will include learning how to model a simple character that can be 3D printed in plastic, creating a hollow interior in order to reduce printing costs and using third party software in order to convert the object files to the appropriate format. Finally, we’ll cover how to upload the files onto Shapeways. By the end of the training, you will be able to design and create a fully articulated character that can be used for both toy creation and prototyping. Software required: Maya 2016, AccuTrans.

Maya3D打印技术视频教程 小机器人建模3D打印教学 附源文件 Maya3D打印技术视频教程 小机器人建模3D打印教学 附源文件 Maya3D打印技术视频教程 小机器人建模3D打印教学 附源文件 Maya3D打印技术视频教程 小机器人建模3D打印教学 附源文件 Maya3D打印技术视频教程 小机器人建模3D打印教学 附源文件 Maya3D打印技术视频教程 小机器人建模3D打印教学 附源文件 Maya3D打印技术视频教程 小机器人建模3D打印教学 附源文件
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