C4D低聚建模纹理制作视频教程 卡通房子建模教学

    用户头像 两个顶点 2019-7-26 09:48 浏览量:1530 回复量:3

  • 3D软件 教学内容
  • 视频教程 包含内容
  • 百度网盘 获取方式
In this class you will learn the process of creating beautiful low poly buildings in Cinema 4D. We will start with an empty file and work our way up to modeling and texturing 8 different low poly buildings.
We will use a variety of modeling techniques and also a recycling method that will help you save lots of time in this and any other project you work in the future.
We will also use different selection sets to be able to texture our objects without the need of UV mapping.
This course focuses on creating the different buildings you can see in the promo video, but you can use the techniques you learn here to create any other low poly building you desire.
I’m confident that at the end of this course you will have a solid understanding of the low poly modeling process and you will be able to start creating your own amazing 3D art.

C4D低聚建模纹理制作视频教程 卡通房子建模教学 C4D低聚建模纹理制作视频教程 卡通房子建模教学 C4D低聚建模纹理制作视频教程 卡通房子建模教学 C4D低聚建模纹理制作视频教程 卡通房子建模教学 C4D低聚建模纹理制作视频教程 卡通房子建模教学 C4D低聚建模纹理制作视频教程 卡通房子建模教学 C4D低聚建模纹理制作视频教程 卡通房子建模教学
3 回复
  • 很不错  谢谢分享 辛苦了
    2019-7-29 08:48

  • 扯淡啊,感觉你在开玩笑啊
    2020-6-23 02:01

  • 感觉很容易
    2021-1-5 10:06
