Toon Boon Animate动画视频教程 火柴人动画制作技术教学

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CartoonSmart Stick Men Animations
The “fighting stick men” genre has gotten quite popular with YouTube videos, and while it might seem amateurish, the simplicity of stick figures provide a great exercise in character animation. Using stick figures one can work quicker than animating a more realistic figure, but still get a great sense for timing and human dynamics. This course is broken down into separate parts for designing and rigging the basic stick man, walking and running, inverse kinematics, animating a fight scene, and finally adding sounds.

Toon Boon Animate动画视频教程 火柴人动画制作技术教学 Toon Boon Animate动画视频教程 火柴人动画制作技术教学 Toon Boon Animate动画视频教程 火柴人动画制作技术教学 Toon Boon Animate动画视频教程 火柴人动画制作技术教学 Toon Boon Animate动画视频教程 火柴人动画制作技术教学 Toon Boon Animate动画视频教程 火柴人动画制作技术教学 Toon Boon Animate动画视频教程 火柴人动画制作技术教学
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