Si je t'oublie, Alexandrie 全一册 Jérémie Dres 阿拉伯埃及题材漫画

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"Des vieilleries" ! A l'évocation de leur passé en Egypte, c'est la seule réponse que Jérémie Dres obtient de ses grands-parents... Jusqu'au jour où il découvre une valise pleine de vieilleries. Une première brèche vers leur passé. Il ressent alors le besoin d'en savoir plus sur ses origines et part mener l'enquête du Caire à Alexandrie. Avec sa rigueur journalistique et sa savoureuse autodérision, Jérémie Dres fait de la recherche de ses origines, un véritable reportage d'investigation qui exhume une mémoire en voie de disparition, celle d'un monde arabe cosmopolite.

Si je t'oublie, Alexandrie 全一册 Jérémie Dres 阿拉伯埃及题材漫画 Si je t'oublie, Alexandrie 全一册 Jérémie Dres 阿拉伯埃及题材漫画 Si je t'oublie, Alexandrie 全一册 Jérémie Dres 阿拉伯埃及题材漫画 Si je t'oublie, Alexandrie 全一册 Jérémie Dres 阿拉伯埃及题材漫画 Si je t'oublie, Alexandrie 全一册 Jérémie Dres 阿拉伯埃及题材漫画 Si je t'oublie, Alexandrie 全一册 Jérémie Dres 阿拉伯埃及题材漫画 Si je t'oublie, Alexandrie 全一册 Jérémie Dres 阿拉伯埃及题材漫画
17 回复
  • 这不正是我苦苦寻找的资源吗!
    2019-8-12 08:40

  • (∂ω∂)!
    2019-8-13 19:31

  • 感谢分享
    2019-8-15 12:44

  • "Old-fashioned"! To the mention of their past in Egypt, this is the only answer that Jeremiah Dres gets from his grandparents... Until the day he discovers a suitcase full of old-fashioned stuff. A first breach to their past. He felt the need to learn more about his origins and went to lead the investigation from Cairo to Alexandria. With his journalistic rigor and his tasty self-deprecation, Jérémie Dres makes the search for his origins, a real investigative report that exhumes a memory in the process of disappearing, that of a cosmopolitan Arab world.
    2019-11-13 12:45

  • 不错的作品
    2020-4-20 08:39

  • To the mention of their past in Egypt, this is the only answer that Jeremiah Dres gets from his grandparents... Until the day he discovers a suitcase full of old-fashioned stuff. A first breach to their past. He felt the need to learn more about his origins and went to lead the investigation from Cairo to Alexandria. With his journalistic rigor and his tasty self-deprecation, Jérémie Dres makes the search for his origins, a real investigative report that exhumes a memory in the process of disappearing, that of a cosmopolitan Arab world.
    2020-4-25 17:49

  • 这不正是我苦苦寻找的资源吗!
    2021-5-18 14:24

  • 感谢分享
    2021-5-19 08:52

  • 甚好,甚强大!
    2021-9-17 10:40
