I Sleep in Stone - Christopher Shy

  • 漫画 资源类别
  • JPG 图片格式
  • 英语 使用语言
  • 百度网盘 下载方式
In 1976, hidden away on a small island in northern Wisconsin, three children, linked together by extraordinary abilities, try to rebuild their lives.Johnny Crane, 13, is blind in one eye, yet can’t stop seeing the death of his father clearly. He is an outcast, haunted, because of a decision he was forced to make. Timothy Macready, a boy full of rage, and wants nothing more than the death of Johnny. He has lost everything, but will take even more. Danny Macready, the strongest of the three, who holds them together, and keeps them hidden from a creature of unbelievable power. Their lives will change our world forever. The door to another world will open, and evil will awaken from its sleep, deep from within the earth.This is I Sleep in Stone.


I Sleep in Stone - Christopher Shy I Sleep in Stone - Christopher Shy I Sleep in Stone - Christopher Shy I Sleep in Stone - Christopher Shy I Sleep in Stone - Christopher Shy I Sleep in Stone - Christopher Shy I Sleep in Stone - Christopher Shy I Sleep in Stone - Christopher Shy I Sleep in Stone - Christopher Shy
29 回复
  • 感谢楼主分享~
    2018-10-9 22:39

  • 又是一本精美的画册,谢谢
    2018-10-10 21:02

  • 看起来很好,谢谢分享!
    2018-10-24 11:10

  • 111111111111111111111111112
    2019-5-29 19:57

  • 感谢分享
    2019-8-12 22:34

  • 画风很赞!感谢分享
    2019-12-29 22:13

  • 甚好,甚强大!
    2019-12-29 23:16

  • 你一顶,我一顶,楼主早晚上置顶,你不投,我不投,楼主何时能出头~
    2020-2-8 20:34

  • 么离开过劲儿;哦加油;二零一
    2020-2-13 15:39