The Resistance 第1册 J. Michael Straczynski 漫画下载

    用户头像 阿尔瓦 2023-4-24 17:33 浏览量:886 回复量:0

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J. Michael Straczynski, creator of Babylon 5 and writer of beloved runs on The Amazing Spider-Man, Thor, and Superman: Earth One, returns to comics teaming with Mike Deodato Jr., the blockbuster artist of The Amazing Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, and Infinity Wars. Together they plant the flag for a new universe of heroes and villains. A global disaster leaves hundreds of millions dead in its wake. Shortly after, a few thousand suddenly manifest superhuman powers. Are they harbingers of more perils to come...or Earth's last hope?


The Resistance 第1册 J. Michael Straczynski 漫画下载 The Resistance 第1册 J. Michael Straczynski 漫画下载 The Resistance 第1册 J. Michael Straczynski 漫画下载 The Resistance 第1册 J. Michael Straczynski 漫画下载 The Resistance 第1册 J. Michael Straczynski 漫画下载
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