Back To Basics 第2册 Jean-Yves Ferri 漫画下载

    用户头像 阿尔瓦 2023-4-19 15:53 浏览量:1015 回复量:1

  • 漫画 资源类别
  • JPG 图片格式
  • 英语 使用语言
  • 百度网盘 下载方式
Manu and Mariette have immigrated to the countryside. Manu wants a vegetable garden and Mariette wants a baby. But Manu, who's celebrating with much jubilation the birth of his very first radish, is having a hard time accepting the notion of parenthood. I mean, imagine having to admit to your child that you don't know how to change the contact breakers on your car... So Manu hides himself away inside the packing boxes that seem to have become a permanent installment of their new house's decor. And don't even start on the neighbor's penchant for pesticides, and then the poster he's supposed to design for the annual pig festival...


Back To Basics 第2册 Jean-Yves Ferri 漫画下载 Back To Basics 第2册 Jean-Yves Ferri 漫画下载 Back To Basics 第2册 Jean-Yves Ferri 漫画下载 Back To Basics 第2册 Jean-Yves Ferri 漫画下载 Back To Basics 第2册 Jean-Yves Ferri 漫画下载
1 回复
  • 楼主君,谢谢分享,太棒了!
    2023-6-14 01:01