It's Not What You Thought It Would Be 一册 Lizzy Stewart 漫画下载

    用户头像 泡芙老师 2023-3-20 15:00 浏览量:1067 回复量:2

  • 漫画 资源类别
  • JPG 图片格式
  • 英语 使用语言
  • 百度网盘 下载方式
A poignant coming-of-age story, this debut graphic novel follows two young women on their path to adulthood. In her graphic novel debut, English cartoonist Lizzy Stewart chronicles the lives of two close friends from adolescence to adulthood. As the years go by, life nudges them in directions that they never could have expected until finally, in their thirties, they hardly recognize the women they have become. Their situations have changed, from the sleepy countryside to bustling London, but their relationships and perspectives have also gradually shifted over time. In a series of interconnected vignettes, Stewart focuses on the ordinary, slice-of-life moments - teenagers climbing up and lounging on a rooftop, friends catching up over pints at the pub, a woman riding the night bus home - and charges these scenes with a quiet intensity. Through keen observation and an ear for naturalistic dialogue, she reveals the complex natures of her characters, from their confidence to their insecurities, as they experience the joys and pains of growing up. Drawn in a variety of different styles, from watercolor to colored pencil to pen and ink, the style of this book echoes the evolution of the characters within.


It's Not What You Thought It Would Be 一册 Lizzy Stewart 漫画下载 It's Not What You Thought It Would Be 一册 Lizzy Stewart 漫画下载 It's Not What You Thought It Would Be 一册 Lizzy Stewart 漫画下载 It's Not What You Thought It Would Be 一册 Lizzy Stewart 漫画下载 It's Not What You Thought It Would Be 一册 Lizzy Stewart 漫画下载
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