VRay影视级渲染视频教程 逼真矿车渲染教学

    用户头像 喵咪师尊 2019-8-6 16:08 浏览量:1370 回复量:4

  • 3D软件 教学内容
  • 视频教程 包含内容
  • 百度网盘 获取方式
使用软件:Maya 2016 (EX1 – SP4), V-Ray 3.1, Photoshop CC 2015, ADTools, NUKE 8
Throughout these lessons, we will go over the workflow of preparing and assembling assets while using advanced techniques in Maya, V-Ray, Photoshop and NUKE. We will build a special lighting solution matched to a background, generate multimatte elements and use custom scripts to speed up the process, balancing speed and time. Towards the end of this course, we will also explore two cases of troubleshooting when renders go wrong and look at different techniques and approaches to solve them. Software required: Maya 2016 (EX1 – SP4), V-Ray 3.1, Photoshop CC 2015, ADTools, NUKE 8.

VRay影视级渲染视频教程 逼真矿车渲染教学 VRay影视级渲染视频教程 逼真矿车渲染教学 VRay影视级渲染视频教程 逼真矿车渲染教学 VRay影视级渲染视频教程 逼真矿车渲染教学 VRay影视级渲染视频教程 逼真矿车渲染教学 VRay影视级渲染视频教程 逼真矿车渲染教学 VRay影视级渲染视频教程 逼真矿车渲染教学
4 回复
  • 感谢楼主分享~
    2019-9-15 19:25

  • 你好,发布者,愿大地母亲护佑着你~
    2020-3-8 21:29

  • 真是汗啊  我的帖子好少啊  加油
    2020-6-23 04:13

  • 嘿,我去前面探探路……
    2021-1-30 12:46
