C4D X-Particles水下气泡特效视频教程 特效动画制作女教学

    用户头像 喵咪师尊 2019-8-6 10:04 浏览量:1107 回复量:4

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  • 视频教程 包含内容
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VFX / X-Particles 3 / Cinema 4D Tutorial : Underwater Bubbles from Justin Bates, is a really beautiful visual effect that can be created using Maxon Cinema 4D & the brilliant X-Particles plugin by Insydium.
With over 4 hours of video content, Justin Bates explains some of the methods and techniques behind creating this fantastic bubble effect. This tutorial is aimed at beginners to mid-level users.

C4D X-Particles水下气泡特效视频教程 特效动画制作女教学 C4D X-Particles水下气泡特效视频教程 特效动画制作女教学 C4D X-Particles水下气泡特效视频教程 特效动画制作女教学 C4D X-Particles水下气泡特效视频教程 特效动画制作女教学 C4D X-Particles水下气泡特效视频教程 特效动画制作女教学 C4D X-Particles水下气泡特效视频教程 特效动画制作女教学 C4D X-Particles水下气泡特效视频教程 特效动画制作女教学

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