Blender2D与3D拉通动画制作视频教程 Q版角色实例教学

    用户头像 两个顶点 2019-7-22 16:57 浏览量:1311 回复量:7

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Discover the powerful potential of Blender 2.8’s grease pencil and rigging systems for 2D animation. The aesthetic of hand drawn animation with the efficiency of armatures and vertex groups, this approach bridges the gap between 2D and 3D animation. Follow professional animator Wayne Dixon as he guides you through this simple project featuring a 2D Melvin giving a wave.

Blender2D与3D拉通动画制作视频教程 Q版角色实例教学 Blender2D与3D拉通动画制作视频教程 Q版角色实例教学 Blender2D与3D拉通动画制作视频教程 Q版角色实例教学 Blender2D与3D拉通动画制作视频教程 Q版角色实例教学 Blender2D与3D拉通动画制作视频教程 Q版角色实例教学 Blender2D与3D拉通动画制作视频教程 Q版角色实例教学 Blender2D与3D拉通动画制作视频教程 Q版角色实例教学
7 回复
  • 人的难题不在于他采取什么行动,而是他想当什么人
    2020-5-24 20:35

  • 哦?how much is it ?
    2020-10-23 02:25

  • 嘿,我去前面探探路……
    2020-10-24 23:02

  • 这太棒了
    2022-4-14 08:22

  • 感谢楼主分享~
    2022-4-30 02:03

  • 感谢楼主分享~
    2022-5-1 06:03
