Maya模型纹理制作教学 材质贴图动画制作基础视频教程 附源文件

    用户头像 常见形态 2019-7-18 17:19 浏览量:1201 回复量:1

  • 3D软件 教学内容
  • 视频教程 包含内容
  • 百度网盘 获取方式
In this second part of the course series, we will learn how to give color and texture to our 3D models!
“Look Development” is a broad term that defines the stage of 3D that involves several different steps which we will cover all of them in this course:
We will take a grey shaded model and learn how to paint textures right inside of Maya! No other software needed. The models we created in Part 1 will be used, but if you want to skip that part and start with this one! Download the course files to get all the models we built in Part 1 to follow along with this course!

Maya模型纹理制作教学 材质贴图动画制作基础视频教程 附源文件 Maya模型纹理制作教学 材质贴图动画制作基础视频教程 附源文件 Maya模型纹理制作教学 材质贴图动画制作基础视频教程 附源文件 Maya模型纹理制作教学 材质贴图动画制作基础视频教程 附源文件 Maya模型纹理制作教学 材质贴图动画制作基础视频教程 附源文件 Maya模型纹理制作教学 材质贴图动画制作基础视频教程 附源文件 Maya模型纹理制作教学 材质贴图动画制作基础视频教程 附源文件
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