Blender飞船模型制作教学 科幻机械高精模视频教程 附源文件

    用户头像 常见形态 2019-7-17 17:11 浏览量:1163 回复量:1

  • 3D软件 教学内容
  • 视频教程 包含内容
  • 百度网盘 获取方式
Have you ever wanted to jump into the world of 3D but don’t know where to start? If so, Blender Fundamentals is the perfect course to take that initial step. First, you’ll get familiar with the basic and foundational skills that you’ll need to begin moving around and working comfortably in Blender. Then, you’ll jump into exploring the powerful modeling features in Blender and begin building the drone. Next, you’ll master the process of adding textures and materials to the drone. Pushing forward, you’ll dive to rigging and animation, as well as learn how to utilize Blender’s dynamics engine to create a flame effect. Finally, you’ll conquer lighting and render the scene with final post-production effects created inside Blender’s Compositor. When you’re finished with this Blender Course, you’ll not only hit every step of the 3D process while creating a drone spaceship from the ground up, but you’ll also have a strong understanding of all the core features found in Blender. Software required: Blender.

Blender飞船模型制作教学 科幻机械高精模视频教程 附源文件 Blender飞船模型制作教学 科幻机械高精模视频教程 附源文件 Blender飞船模型制作教学 科幻机械高精模视频教程 附源文件 Blender飞船模型制作教学 科幻机械高精模视频教程 附源文件 Blender飞船模型制作教学 科幻机械高精模视频教程 附源文件 Blender飞船模型制作教学 科幻机械高精模视频教程 附源文件 Blender飞船模型制作教学 科幻机械高精模视频教程 附源文件
1 回复
  • 真是汗啊  我的帖子好少啊  加油
    2020-6-23 03:02