Blender刚体模拟视频教程 刚体碰撞效果制作教学

    用户头像 常见形态 2019-7-17 16:55 浏览量:1585 回复量:1

  • 3D软件 教学内容
  • 视频教程 包含内容
  • 百度网盘 获取方式
In this course you will learn all about the rigid body simulation in Blender. The rigid body simulation allows you to add physics to your object. Once it is activated it will fall due to gravity. In the first couple sections we will be going through each setting and how the different values effect the simulation. I will be showing you what it does and why. At the end of the course there are 3 different tutorials in which we use the rigid body simulation to create a full scene.
The first one is a wallpaper of hundreds of cubes falling. We will be using a couple of techniques that will make it really easy to create. The second tutorial is and obstacle course for a sphere to go through. In this one use the rigid body constraints to move the sphere up and down.
Finally the last tutorial will be a monkey head crashing through a brick wall. For this tutorial we use the cell fracture addon to destroy the wall. From there we animate the monkey head and have it fly through the wall. From rigid body dynamics to rigid body constraints learn all there is to know about the Rigid Body Simulation in Blender!

Blender刚体模拟视频教程 刚体碰撞效果制作教学 Blender刚体模拟视频教程 刚体碰撞效果制作教学 Blender刚体模拟视频教程 刚体碰撞效果制作教学 Blender刚体模拟视频教程 刚体碰撞效果制作教学 Blender刚体模拟视频教程 刚体碰撞效果制作教学 Blender刚体模拟视频教程 刚体碰撞效果制作教学 Blender刚体模拟视频教程 刚体碰撞效果制作教学
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  • 楼上的稍等啦
    2020-6-23 03:02