Blender布料仿真模拟视频教程 布料飘动下落破碎效果教学 附源文件

    用户头像 常见形态 2019-7-17 15:42 浏览量:1498 回复量:3

  • 3D软件 教学内容
  • 视频教程 包含内容
  • 百度网盘 获取方式
In this course you will learn all about the cloth simulation in Blender! In the first couple sections we discuss how the cloth simulation works and what the settings do.
After we have gone through the settings we will be creating 3 different scenes and animations using the cloth simulation. In the first tutorial we create a simulation of cloth falling onto a couch in a random position.
The second tutorial we create an animation of cloth exploding into little pieces. This section you will learn a lot of little tricks and techniques to create an explosion effect. If you are wanting to learn more about Blender’s Cloth Simulation or if you just want to improve your skills in Blender this course is for you!

Blender布料仿真模拟视频教程 布料飘动下落破碎效果教学 附源文件 Blender布料仿真模拟视频教程 布料飘动下落破碎效果教学 附源文件 Blender布料仿真模拟视频教程 布料飘动下落破碎效果教学 附源文件 Blender布料仿真模拟视频教程 布料飘动下落破碎效果教学 附源文件 Blender布料仿真模拟视频教程 布料飘动下落破碎效果教学 附源文件 Blender布料仿真模拟视频教程 布料飘动下落破碎效果教学 附源文件 Blender布料仿真模拟视频教程 布料飘动下落破碎效果教学 附源文件
3 回复
  • 甚好,甚强大!
    2019-12-29 14:35

  • 长时间没来看了 ~~
    2020-6-23 03:14