Gurvan:A Dream of Earth 一册 Mathieu Mariolle 漫画下载

  • 漫画 资源类别
  • JPG 图片格式
  • 英语 使用语言
  • 百度网盘 下载方式
Gurvan, a clone soldier of the Terran Coalition, was designed to participate in an age-old space conflict...the origins of which have been long forgotten. Deep in space sits The Materedu, where the soldiers of the Terran Coalition are cloned from the best who came before them, and trained under an artificial sun to fight in the endless conflict with a fearsome foe. Among them, average combat pilot Gurvan dreams of surviving the seven years each Coalition fighter must serve, so that he may retire to the distant peace of Earth. But when Gurvan crosses paths with an opposing soldier, he begins to wonder if he knows his enemy… or even his allies.


Gurvan:A Dream of Earth 一册 Mathieu Mariolle 漫画下载 Gurvan:A Dream of Earth 一册 Mathieu Mariolle 漫画下载 Gurvan:A Dream of Earth 一册 Mathieu Mariolle 漫画下载 Gurvan:A Dream of Earth 一册 Mathieu Mariolle 漫画下载 Gurvan:A Dream of Earth 一册 Mathieu Mariolle 漫画下载
4 回复
  • 感谢楼主分享~
    2023-5-30 08:51

  • 艾璐恩,请赐予我金币……
    2023-6-24 03:56

  • 节流阀打了多久发放
    2023-9-1 15:55

  • 你好,发布者,愿大地母亲护佑着你~
    2023-10-30 10:39