Solid State 漫画 百度网盘下载

    用户头像 席城 2022-9-22 17:42 浏览量:1656 回复量:1

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音乐家、创作歌手和互联网超级巨星乔纳森·科尔顿为他的新概念专辑《固态》配上了一首生动的小说。两个被一个名字和几百年联系在一起的家伙,不知何故站在了人类开端的尽头,也是人类终结的开端。但是...很好笑吗?也是一场噩梦。但主要是搞笑?一个有趣的科学派噩梦,关于一切的终结,但这一切都还好。与《性罪犯》、《卡萨诺瓦》和《ODY-C》的作者马特·分数合作;还有获奖的西班牙宇宙艺术家!艾伯特·蒙特斯(ALBERT MONTEYS),科尔顿的《固态硬盘》是一个科技大杂烩,在这里,《2001:太空漫游》遇到了办公空间,得到我们曾经想要的一切可能只是一个可怕的想法。
From musician, singer-songwriter, and internet superstar JONATHAN COULTON comes the graphic novel accompaniment to his new concept album, SOLID STATE. Two guys, connected by a name and hundreds of years, somehow stand at the end of man's beginning, and the beginning of man's end.'s funny? Also kind of a nightmare. But mostly funny? A funny science FACTion nightmare about the end of everything, but how that's all kind of okay. Teaming up with MATT FRACTION, the writer of SEX CRIMINALS, CASANOVA, and ODY-C; and the award-winning Spanish artist of Universe! ALBERT MONTEYS, COULTON's SOLID STATE is a tech mashup where 2001: A Space Odyssey meets Office Space and getting all we ever wanted might just be a terrible idea.

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1 回复
  • 楼主君,谢谢分享,太棒了!
    2023-5-7 00:05