Maya 昆虫蚂蚁动画实例教学视频教程 附源文件

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Digital-Tutors Creating Procedural Animation for an Insect in Maya
In this Maya tutorial, we’ll explore a method of creating MEL scripts that automatically generate motion of a walking ant.
We’ll look at driving our ant’s stepping legs, head, antennae and secondary body motion with scripts that respond to the changing position of the ant. In addition, we’ll set up our rig so that the position of the ant can either be manually controlled by an animator, or guided by a procedural wandering path complete with automatic aim and pauses.
By the end of this Maya training, you’ll have learned techniques to better incorporate scripting and automation into your rigs.

Maya 昆虫蚂蚁动画实例教学视频教程 附源文件 Maya 昆虫蚂蚁动画实例教学视频教程 附源文件 Maya 昆虫蚂蚁动画实例教学视频教程 附源文件 Maya 昆虫蚂蚁动画实例教学视频教程 附源文件 Maya 昆虫蚂蚁动画实例教学视频教程 附源文件 Maya 昆虫蚂蚁动画实例教学视频教程 附源文件 Maya 昆虫蚂蚁动画实例教学视频教程 附源文件
5 回复
  • 楼上的稍等啦
    2020-6-23 05:40

  • 楼主真棒
    2021-5-26 14:33

  • Maya 昆虫蚂蚁动画实例教学视频教程
    2021-7-19 01:04

  • 6666666666666666666
    2022-5-15 21:38

  • 楼主真棒
    2022-11-16 14:54